
  • Date: Fri 18th February 2022
  • Doors Open: 7:00 pm
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £17.50

SJM Concerts Presents:


Live at the Garage, London

Characterized by complex song structures and guitarist Yvette Young’s unique finger-tapping style, instrumental band Covet quickly earned a devoted following with their exploratory math rock sounds. Coming from a background in piano and violin, Young first developed her two-handed guitar-tapping style as a solo artist, but in 2014 she added a rhythm section and formed Covet. Young’s virtuosic playing and the band’s searching, organic-sounding instrumentals developed as their fan base grew, becoming more involved over the course of several EPs and reaching full realization with their 2020 debut full-length album, Technicolor.

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