Tickets are now available for THE MOONLANDINGZ at The Garage!
In this, the year of 2024 after Death. We, the collective post fictional saviours of lost souls circa 2014-to 2018 known as The Moonlandingz Inc (and in association with Brooksbank Management Ltd & our generous sponsors ‘Mrs Clucks fried Chicken Shack’ on Valhalla Dale High street, South Yorkshire) hath been awoken – nay rudely dick prodded from our collective slumber, to a new dark age!! A pitch black molten blob of horror with no honour. A social and political landscape of blood lust and broken dreams. A yawning Cultural coastal erosion soundtracked by the endless slow death cries of the common seaside Gull where everyone is fighting over the same , loan, pathetic, soggy vinegary chip…Whilst those divisive Puffins – reside astride gilded sun loungers , high on Puffin gak – on Fantasy Blue Tit island! We say ENOUGH. We demand more!!!
Now! – Again! – Here we stand together – holding hands virtually – unified by a future technology called ‘Zoom’ – with old friends and new and at the very pinnacle of rock bottom as culturally under nourished music Fans – starved of any true righteous maelstrom – beckon us – NAY BEG US back in to – HARD – begrudging – action!!
And here we are – pumped and perverse – our instruments of aggression cocked and poised for another battle..The Final Battle. For Truth. For authenticity. For you!! (and for a small but handsome cash incentive that can’t be sniffed at).
Set the controls for the heart of the Rocket and Hail the new Ornithologist!!!
fighting idiocy with Stupidity.
the unreal deal,
The Moonlandingz.
For more events, check out what’s on here.